
Healthcare Facilities • Restaurants • Retail Spaces • Office Spaces • Industrial Spaces • Schools • Dorms • Any Indoor Space

Dr. Johnson's Testimonial

Please accept this letter as testimonial to the experience of installing a Coninuous Disenfection Device (CDD) in my dental practice in Landisville, PA. The CDD Installation…

RN Testimonial

I am a registered nurse in a Florida Medical Practice. We treat patients with contagious diseases including Influenza and Corona Virus. During the past year none of our staff have become sick

Admin Testimonial

I am an employee of Johnson Dental Care . We had the air filtration system placed  in our office about 6 months ago. since that time I have noticed my environmental allergies  have gotten better

Place An Order Or Call Us Today!

Tell Us About Your Space

Fill out this form or call us at: 888.756.9437
Email us at sales@50cities.io

Discuss the Potential

After receipt of information regarding your indoor space, a member of our team will reach out to review details.

Evaluate the Space

To complete your order we’ll need dimensions of your space(s). You can evaluate and document the space yourself, use your own contractor, or use a contractor within our trusted network.

Review Your Design Proposal

Your sales representative will reach out to discuss.


The CDD unit is mounted in the designed location, ducts are placed per design, the unit is powered up, and a system operation check is performed to ensure everything is in working order.

Enjoy Your Purified Air!

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